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2nd Round Camp. Italian Senior - Nocciano (PE)

Podium for our driver Fabio Pampaloni in the Senior National Championship held in Nocciano.

2nd Round Camp. Italian Senior - Nocciano (PE)

The second round of the Senior National Enduro Championship was held at Nocciano, a tough and demanding race with a 10-minute line on a riverbed that got worse from lap to lap and a cross test that was long and fast but with a hard surface that made the test very technical.

Our riders brought home more than satisfactory results, especially for our Fabio Pampaloni who finished 3rd in cat. bringing a Rieju to the podium of a Senior National Championship for the first time in history. Excellent result for Matteo Menchelli who finishes 6th in cat. due to his post-surgery physical condition that forces him to a gentler pace than his usual, also our Team Manager Marco Andreini is not to be outdone finishing 11th in cat.

We thank all Sponsors and supporters, next appointment on 12/05 in Ceva for the Third stage of this Senior Italian Championship.

