Preses relīzes

Šeit jūs varat atrast visas mūsu preses relīzes un audiovizuālo saturu, lai jūs būtu informēts par Rieju jaunumiem.


Abonēt mūsu biļetenus!

Ja esat plašsaziņas līdzekļu profesionālis un vēlaties saņemt mūsu preses relīzes vai īpaši interesējošas ziņas pa e-pastu, pierakstieties mūsu biļetenam.


We are waiting for you at EICMA!

In this edition of EICMA, RIEJU will unveil many new products, betting on a versatile riding experience.

We are waiting for you at EICMA!

Our team of engineers and designers have worked hard to develop models that take RIEJU reliability to the next level.

In addition, we will have the opportunity to interact with brand experts about our models first-hand. This year, our presence at EICMA not only celebrates RIEJU's legacy, but also its commitment to innovation and adapting to the needs of our current and future customers.

Are you ready to discover the next chapter of the RIEJU story?

We look forward to seeing you in Hall 9, booth C65.

