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RIEJU plays a leading role in the big Enduro party of Bassella Race 2025

RIEJU organized several events during the weekend for enthusiasts to enjoy its various models.

RIEJU plays a leading role in the big Enduro party of Bassella Race 2025

The most popular enduro event in our country, Bassella Race, a race in which PRO riders compete along with a large number of enthusiasts of all levels and ages, has once again been a great party in three days with up to 1,200 participants, along with a large following of spectators and media.

The Rieju Factory Team riders did not miss the event in Oliana (Lleida), under an imposing stand in the commercial area of the paddock, where some of the new products that will reach the dealers in the coming months, such as the MR300i, the 307 Aventura Rally or the Xplora, were exhibited. In addition, on the specific FCM circuit, children were able to take their first steps on a motorcycle with the MX12/MX14 electric minis, while the official riders were signing autographs for the numerous fans.

Despite the cold temperature in the morning, the participants were able to enjoy a terrain in good conditions, thanks to the rains that fell in the days before the race. It should be noted that Àlex Puey was finally unable to compete due to an injury he sustained in the Hungarian GP, a round of the SuperEnduro World Championship.


Eric Miquel shines with the Aventura 500

El sábado por la mañana se realizaba la vuelta de reconocimiento, mientras que, por la tarde, empezaban las diferentes competiciones. En la carrera Trail destacar la buena actuación del piloto de Hard Enduro Eric Miquel, que a los mandos de la Aventura 500 estuvo peleando con las grandes y más potentes bicilíndricas, colocándose rápidamente en una buena posición. Vuelta tras vuelta fue avanzando hasta cruzar la línea de llegada en una destacada quinta posición scratch, mientras que, en la categoría de Trail Media, se alzaba hasta una magnifica segunda plaza del podio. 

Difficult Xtrem Race

In the Xtrem Race, on a circuit combining Hard Enduro areas with Cross Country parts, Dominik Olszowy, in the qualifiers was placed in third position, with Eric Miquel, who got off the Adventure to get on his MR300, was seventh. During the Superpole, a one-lap race between the top 10 drivers, Olszowy took fifth place. 

In the final of the Xtrem Race, Dominik started very well, fighting for the lead of the race and offering a great show to the thousands of fans who enjoyed the race, but due to the difficulty of the track and the lagging drivers, different blocks were formed, hindering the passage. Olszowy, in an attempt to advance suffered a heavy fall, bending the handlebars of his bike, despite trying to continue in the race, he had to abandon. For his part, Eric Miquel was able to hold on and overtake all the riders who crossed his path, to finish in ninth position.  

Race 1 test day for Pedró and Castellà

On Sunday, a new scenario for the race, with a Cross Country type competition of about 35 kilometers in three laps, which this year changed part of its route due to the height of the water in the reservoir that did not allow to pass through some of the typical areas. Bruno Bozzo with his Rieju achieved an outstanding 19th position in the scratch classification. The Dakarian Josep Pedró, with his MR300, recovered from his injury, despite starting late and a couple of falls, managed to finish in 26th place among the PROs, while August Castellà, engineer of the brand, who took advantage of the race to continue testing the new 307 Aventura Rally, slipped into the enduro, in 134th position. 

